Monday, February 14, 2011

Do what now?

35 days ago I'm informed that I'm going to Ft. Leonard Wood again? Great... thanks. Why do I do this to myself? Pick jobs that have me gone from home more than the norm. I can't believe my wife puts up with this. Hell, I can barely put up with it myself. All you non military out there should wake up everyday and pat yourselves on the back for not joining. Don't get me wrong. I'm proud of my service to this country. I mean who wouldn't be proud of this guy

this isn't me by the way.

And I'm thankful of the experiences that the Army has given me. Like this little jewel of a memory...
good training priv, good training

Or this one...

man that's one hot stinkin' country

All I'm saying is a beautiful wife and three awesome kids later and I can't wait to get the heck out! Be Joe Civilian instead of "G.I. Joe". I just gotta make it work for me. That's life. Take all the crap that gets thrown at you and make it work for you 'cuz God knows if you don't then no one else will.

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